flokinet currently has a special promotion for Halloween VPS, Romania vps, Iceland vps, with a direct 25% discount on recurring offers. The default comes with…
Hostdare has officially launched its European VPS service, with its server room located in Bulgaria, providing high-traffic Bulgarian VPS services.The server of its Bulgarian vps…
Hosteons (a Singapore company established in 2018) is currently running a promotion for its VPS. The specific content is: (1) buy an IP and get…
Colocrossing, a very popular American brand of data centers, operates data centers in Buffalo, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, and San…
Sharktech has always been known for its advanced defense capabilities, providing free 60Gbps DDoS defense by default and supporting upgrades to 1Tbps advanced defense. It…
Bacloud’s “Bare metal servers” series in the Lithuanian data center has been online for some time, with a default bandwidth of 1Gbps/100T traffic/month. Currently, it…
Spinservers launched a new promotion for standalone servers this month, with e3v5 starting at $49/month and dual-way platinum 6162+768G memory+1T M.2 NVMe+7.68T SSD+10Gbps bandwidth for…
Justhhost will offer a 30% discount on all VPS from now until March 1st (as long as the VPS is still alive, it will maintain…
It’s 2024 now, and recently I’ve come across the question of whether to choose a large bandwidth limit or a small bandwidth limit when buying…
Gomanilahost (established in 2016), a Filipino merchant, mainly operates virtual hosting and VPS business. The specific data centers are located in the Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia,…