VPS Malaysia: servergigabit, $7.5, unlimited data, 1G RAM /1 core /20G SSD/100M bandwidth

servergigabit was founded in 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Servergigabit operates the server business in Malaysia, including Malaysia Virtual Hosting, Malaysia VPS, Malaysia Independent Server. vps in Malaysia has a default bandwidth of 100Mbps and does not limit traffic. It can be divided into two categories: Linux and Windows.

The official website: https://www.servergigabit.com/

The bandwidth is 100 Mbit/s and the traffic is not limited. It has an IPv4 address

memory CPU SSD price buy
1G 1 core 20G $7.59/month link
2G 2 core 40G $16.59/month link
4G 4 core 80G $34.59/month link
8G 8 core 160G $70.59/month link
16G 14 core 200G $134.59 link