servaRICA: Canada vps, 4 cores/10GB RAM/150GB NVMe hard drive/unlimited traffic/100Mbps unlimited or 1Gbps bandwidth 4TB traffic, $10.00/month

How about servarica, servarica is a Canadian hosting company, established in 2010, mainly provides VPS, with SSD, NVME, HDD storage types, and does not limit traffic, it is a very good choice for brushing PT and storing data. Free support for Windows server 2012, 2016, 2019, as well as IPv6, and a 7-day money-back guarantee, you can watch it if you need it.


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Discount Package

nvme storage vps

cpu memory hard disk flow ip price
4 cores shared 10GB 150gb NVMe 100Mbps unlimited or 1Gbps bandwidth 4TB 1 ipv4 $10.00/month
4 cores shared 6GB 80gb NVMe 100Mbps unlimited or 1Gbps bandwidth 4TB 1 ipv4 $7.00/month,$77/year
4 cored 18GB 240gb NVMe 100Mbps unlimited or 1Gbps bandwidth 4TB 1 ipv4 $20.00/month,$220/year
8 cored 60GB 800gb NVMe 100Mbps unlimited 1 ipv4 $60.00/month,$660/year

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Support PayPal, credit card, Bitcoin payment